
new video: “Undo Cut Copy Paste Bold” – Official Lyric Video” – Out Now!

Peace people… Hope you’re well; been keeping a bit busy myself. =)

I seem to be missing my mailing list as of late and therefore decided to let subscribers have first take on this yesterday. If you haven’t already, I would like to ask you to subscribe to this website/blog via email so that you do get the updates first as intended. Going forward all major updates will be posted here prior to anywhere else.

So, just go to left hand column on this page and click on “subscribe via email” and subscribe. This will mean that you’ll get an email like this one every time I post an update.  =)

So the major news in this update is obviously the new lyric video I made(the one in the description)… Check it out here:

but then… I also dropped a new track called “Excuse Me” and you can check that out right here:

And then even a Youtube Channel Trailer here:

Everything including my new instrumental album, “Speechless” is available via my bandcamp page here:

Please feel free to pick up your favourite release and make a donation if you’d like to help me continue my work!

Please feel free to send me any comments, questions, etc and I’ll get back to you. Also, if you run a blog and would like to feature the album and/or interview etc. hit me up n’ we can sort something out a.s.a.p.

Peace, love, respect, light!

~Wesley “ThiNXx” ♥


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