New Live Setup – A Starting Point for ThiNXx to Come + #hardrockrising – Help Get Me to Spain!

Hey peeps…

Hope all is well your side… Just a little update.
I recently invested in a new live setup and am currently still in the process of working out how to link it all together and worink seamlessly bu I really think it’s the start of something great and I can’t wait to get back to the studio and figuring it all out…
This is what it looks like for now:
Trakor ThiNXx

As some of you know, I used to be really into the DJ’ing thing but as I got more into emcee’ing and production I lost touch with this element; so, being able to integrate it all is pretty much a dream come true for me. =)

I still need a few things in the future like, a mixer with a working X-fader and direct drive turntables but these will come in due time… I just need to be patient and keep saving all I can.

You can help support my endeavors by buying a CD, merch or a diigital album from my bandcamp page and hopefully I’ll get it all functioning a.s.a.p.

Thanks again for all your support over the years… knowing you have my back keeps pushing me forward more than you’ll ever know. ♥

I’ve also entered in the Hardrock Rising competition; so, if you have a minute I’d apreciate you casting a vote my way… Just click on the link below and click “VOTE”; They might just send me to spain if one or two of you do:

Peace, love, respect, light!

~Wesley “ThiNXx”


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