
Happy Holidays Yawl! Now Onward and Upward into 2017 and Beyond…

Sup yawl

Apologies for the lack of updates… Just been really busy on the grind, but I’m still making what I can when I can and I’m excited about the year ahead. Just wanted you to know that I hope you’ve had an awesome festive season and getting ready to fly as 2017 takes off and lifts us into our future… Nothing but the utmost love, respect, peace and light to you and those you hold close!

In case ya missed it… I did manage to get an E.P out this year and you can pick up a free copy here(if you want):

Thank you to each and every one of you that have supported me over the last 10 years! You really mean the world to me and I will continue to do everything in my power to be better and do more. xoxo

Peace, love, respect, light!

~ Wesley “ThiNXx” ??

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